Njuikes sisdollui


Siidosisdoallu ii dorjo eará gielaide.
nn Denne brukaren har norsk som morsmål og meistrar nynorsk.
nb Denne brukeren har norsk som morsmål og behersker bokmål..
fi-3 Tämä käyttäjä osaa suomea erinomaisesti.
en-3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.
sme-2 Dát geavaheaddji máhttá sámegiela viehka bures.
de-2 Dieser Benutzer hat fortgeschrittene Deutschkenntnisse.
ru-1 Этот участник владеет русским языком на начальном уровне.
nl-1 Deze gebruiker bezit elementaire kennis van het Nederlands.
is-1 Þessi notandi hefur grundvallarkunnáttu á íslensku máli.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau élémentaire de français.
et-1 See kasutaja suudab eesti keeles kaastööd teha algaja tasemel.

Dearvva Trondtr! Somá, ahte leat boahtán ráhkadit sámegielat Wikipediijja. Vuoi mo lean vuordánge eará sámegielat olbmuid. Mun in ádde dás vel ollus maidige ja leange dušše álggahan siidduid. Dieđán gal ahte ii gánnehivčče ráhkadit oanehis siidduid, muhto lean jurddašan jus dat veahkehivččii earáid čálligoahttit deikke go livččii ain juo muhtunlagan álggut. Don orut diehtimin eanet dán Wikipedia birra :). - Skuolfi

Hei, Skuolfi! Dađi bahábut mus ii leat nu olu áigi, inge máhte sámegiela nu bures. Diehtosátnegirji sámegillii lea goitge hui dehálaš. Mun lean dušše čállán moadde beaivvi nn.wikipedia.org-as. Buorre das lea, ahte nn:a redaktevrrat dihtet hui olu, ja háliidit vehkehit. Mu mielas gánneha ráhkadit maid oanehis siidduid, jos dušše lea struktuvra, de lea álkit lasihit sisdoalu. Gal don maid dovddat sámi ensyklopedia - [1] -- eŋgelasgillii (!). Lea dieđusge vejolaš lohkat ja oahpit - muhto ii jorgalit, dego eará wikipediijain. Trondtr 17:27, 3 geas 2005 (UTC).

Gosa don lean láhppon? - Skuolfi

Dál mun lean. In leat čállán dáppe, muhto goitge olu sámi fáttaid birra ođđadárogiel Wikipedias. Trondtr 23:34, 18 skábmamánu 2005 (UTC).

Could you please write a stub http://se.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kur%C3%B3w - just a few sentences based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kur%C3%B3w , NO or FI wiki? Only 2-5 sentences enough. Please. Pietras1988 09:13, 10 juovlamánu 2006 (UTC)

Thx for one sentence. Pietras1988 20:41, 12 juovlamánu 2006 (UTC)

Article request

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

Greetings Trondtr! Can you please help me create a stub for this article which is based on the English article. 2-5 lines would be sufficient enough. Your help would be appreciated. (I do not know what the correct Sami title should be). Thanks.

Regards -- Joseph, 21:56 mánnodat 3 cuoŋománu 2006 (UTC)

Hello Trondtr, you are sysop for this wiki.

By the way, is the calendar on se.wiki correctly set? On the vote page Wikipedia:Hálddašeaddjit I saw people signing on dates of month "Geassemánu" that should be June - or do the Sami people adopt a different calendar? (m:User:Paginazero not logged) -- 08:58, 11 miessemánu 2006 (UTC)

Thanks for the sysop status, now I have some studying to do as to how to act as a sysop. As for the date issue, geassemánnu is June, all right. But the voter page you saw was for last year. I became aware of that voting only when you hinted at the page in question, I did not know there was a vote on my behalf a year ago. Trondtr 17:57, 12 miessemánu 2006 (UTC).
One year ago? I'm blushing! :o) Everything's all right, then. Good work as a sysop, then. Bye. (m:User:Paginazero not logged) -- 14:27, 15 miessemánu 2006 (UTC)
No reason to blush. The voting was done a year ago, but evidently never finished (and I didn't know), but my own request at meta from a week ago or so was executed quicly and efficiently. Trondtr 21:53, 16 miessemánu 2006 (UTC).

Jimbo in Bergen

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

I forbindelse med at Jimmy Wales kommer til Bergen ønsker vi å få kontakt med den eller de som startet og driver samisk Wikipedia. Hvis noen kan gi meg en status på aktivitetene og om det er noen fremdrift så kontakt meg på epost. Se også no:Wikipedia:Jimbo in Norway John Erling Blad 20:31, 18 miessemánu 2006 (UTC) ( Not a user in this wiki! :D ) Bacause Jimmy Wales are coming to Bergen, we wants to get in touch with the one or those who started and are running the Samic Wikipedia. It would be nice if anyone could write me a report about the current status and if there are any progress, please use my email adress! Se also no:Wikipedia:Jimbo in Norway John Erling Blad 20:31, 18 miessemánu 2006 (UTC) ( Not a user in this wiki! :D )

Dat Bergen lea nu boaittobealde (;P), ahte mun in gal dohko beasa vuolgit. Naba don? Leago dus vejolašvuohta vuolgit muitalit davvisámegielat Wikipediijja dilis? --Skuolfi 13:32, 24 miessemánu 2006 (UTC)
Ii mus leat vejolašvuohta, go lean Oslos čoahkkimis dan beaivvi. Muhto jos ovd. Sámediggi máksá du girdinbileahta, de Bergen sáhttá leat láhka. Mo jáhkát? Trondtr 14:53, 24 miessemánu 2006 (UTC).
Na in jáhke ahte Sámediggi mávssašii mu girdinbileahta ja dat deaivadeapmi lea jo boahte vahkkus de ii mus gal leat vejolašvuohta vuolgit. --Skuolfi 16:56, 26 miessemánu 2006 (UTC)
Mun dieđán, áhte livččii nu. Muhto go dus ii leat vejolašvuohta de ii leat (ii musge leat...). Muhto doaivvun goitge, ahte čálát John Erling Bladii, nu, ahte son diehta eambbo Sámi Wikipediija álguáiggis. Trondtr 22:42, 26 miessemánu 2006 (UTC).

Hi! Could you help me? What is the inessive form for the word Afrihkká? Thanks!

Hei! Voisitko auttaa minua? Mikä on inessiivimuoto sanalle Afrihkká? Kiitos!

--Alfred Dengan from the Finnish Wikipedia 15:54, 30 miessemánu 2006 (UTC)

  • Dear Trondtr! I want to inform you about a special platform to translate the MediaWiki interface in many languages:
  1. please log in first
  2. choose « ‎Sámegiella‎ · se: » as user interface language
  3. go to [2] and / or [3]
Dear Trondtr! Thanks for coming to Betawiki! You are a sysop and bureaucrat now. Best regards Gangleri · T · m: Th · T 11:03, 7 borgemánu 2006 (UTC)

Det ser ut som om desse to artiklane handlar om det same:

Burde dei flettast/den eine omdirigerast til den andre? --Jorunn 10:41, 22 guovvamánu 2007 (UTC)

Do you speak English? Valtteri 14:58, 9 njukčamánu 2007 (UTC)
Yes, I do (ja myös suomea, muuten) Trondtr 20:47, 16 njukčamánu 2007 (UTC).


[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

Suomas pääministeri lea oaiveministtar, Norggas ja Ruoŧas stáhtaministtar. Geavahit mii oaiveministtara, go čállt Matti Vanhanen birra ja stáhtaministtara Norgga ja Ruoŧa stáhtaministtaraid birra? -Yupik 21:08, 16 njukčamánu 2007 (UTC)

Tjah. Suoma stáhta geavaha oaiveministtar, gč. dál. Neahtas lea 117 oaive- ja 887 stáhta, sullii seammá erohus go Suoma ja Norgga/Ruoŧa sápmelaččaid gaskkas. Sáhttá leat nu, ahte lea váttis normeret. Trondtr 21:17, 16 njukčamánu 2007 (UTC).
Njuu, lean geavahan sihke oaiveministtara ja stáhtaministtara, muhto Suoma stáhtaministtaras dušše oaiveministtara. Sullii seammá go leago dat mánnodat dahje vuossárga ;) -Yupik 21:36, 16 njukčamánu 2007 (UTC)

Mus livččii dakkár jurdda: Árvalan, ahte sáhtašii álggahit friddjadáhtolaš Wikipedia -kampanja sámegielat oahpaheddjiiguin/ ohppiiguin/ skuvllaiguin olles Sámis. Dasa ii dárbbašivčče ohcat oba ruhtadeamige. Dan sáhtášii bures čađahit dábálaš skuvlabargguid oktavuođas.

Bajit ceahki oahppit šaddet hárjehallat artihkkaliid čállima ja merket omd. gálduid oidnosii. Sáhtašii dáhttut sámegiela (ja fága-) oahpaheddjiid addit ohppiide bargun čállit artihkkaliid Wikipediai. Oahpaheaddjit sáhtašedje seammás doaimmahit daid. Jáhkkán ahte oahppit nagodivčče loktet dan. Dađistaga maiddái Wikipedia hálddašeaddjit ja mii earát sáhtašeimmet daid ođasmahttit. Nie sáhtašeimmet fárrolagaid bargat sámegielat Wikipediain ja dahkat das buoremus sámegielat diehtogiissá. Eanáš nuoraide Wikipedia lea jo oahpes ja jáhkkan, ahte sii livčče movttegat beassat ieža maid searvat artihkkaliid čállit. Dáinna vugiin sis livččii jáhkkimis maiddái eanet beroštupmi čállit namuhuvvon skuvlabargguid. Prošeakta loktešii sin barggu ja maiddái giela árvvu, vai mo? beaivvinieida

Dathan lea hui buorre jurdda! Oahppit sáhttet ieš lasihit Wikipediai, sáhttá leat oasi sin čálalaš barggus. Mii fertet gal hupmat oahpaheddjiiguin du idea birra — muhto gos ja goas, makkár forumis? Trondtr 12:20, 17 guovvamánu 2008 (UTC).
Livččiigo sáhttán Sámi mediain váldit oktavuođa? Ávviriin vaikko? Dainna goit olahivččii viidát iešguđetge guovlluide Sámis. Sáhtaše čállit lohkiid reivve, dahje váldit njuolga oktavuođa muhtin doaimmaheaddjiin.
Nubbi vejolašvuohta livččii várra gulaskuddat Sámedikki oahppo-, giella- ja kulturossodagain. Dieđusge sáhtáše ovttastahttit dáid guovtti ášši ja dáhttut baicce doaimmaheaddji jearrat ossodagas maid sii oaivvildivčče dákkár jurdagis.
Mun in dál fuomáš eará, muhto dat ii mearkkaš ahte dát livčče áidna dahje buoremus vejolašvuođat.beaivvinieida 23:58, 18b. guovvamánus 2008.
Buorre. Gii sáhttá dan dahkat? Mus lea dál eará bargu, in sáhtá dan bargat. Trondtr 22:34, 4 njukčamánu 2008 (UTC).

Forespørsel om botstatus

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

Kan du gi LaaknorBot botstatus? Har dere forresten noen interwiki-bot som kjører fast med utgangspunkt i sewp? Laaknor 08:09, 23 suoidnemánu 2008 (UTC)

Ja, gjerne (korleis gjer eg det?). Ikkje noko vi har sett opp, så vidt eg veit, men vi har jo robotar her då (sjå loggen). Trondtr 22:33, 22 ođđajagimánu 2009 (UTC).

Buriid juovllaid!

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

Tattis korjauksista! -Yupik 23:37, 14 geassemánu 2010 (UTC)

Ei mitään :-) Kiitokset osittain vain minulle, varsinainen sankari oli saamen korjausohjelma. Trondtr 19:28, 15 geassemánu 2010 (UTC),
Mikä on edelleenkin mahtava sankari :D Muuten tuli mieleen, että ois varmaan hyvä idea perustaa jonkinsorttista kyssäriosastoa termejä varten. Ainakin mun eteen on tullut tuo yksikammarinen parliamentti ja tänään sitten herttuatar. Jos niitä olisi yhdessä paikassa, olisi myös mahdollista teidän vaikka kopsata niitä risteniin. -Yupik 15:31, 19 geassemánu 2010 (UTC)
Totta puhut. Mietitään. nn-wp:ashan on nn:Wikipedia:Gode_nynorskord, olisiko se jotain? Trondtr 17:14, 20 geassemánu 2010 (UTC)
Tuo on kyllä hyvä! Mietin myös, että se voisi olla pikemmin monikielinen, kun porukkaa on ainakin Norjan ja Suomen puolelta, ja interferenssi tulee molemmista plus sitten että termistö on ajoittain eri maiden välissä. Se auttaisi sitten myös niitä, jotka haluavat vaihtaa jotain sanaa (esim. vuosttas <--> vuosttaš), koska se ei löydy heidän murteesta. -Yupik 18:41, 20 geassemánu 2010 (UTC)

Kalaallit Nunaata gielddat

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

Hei! Päätin "lyhentää" noiden kuntien nimet (Kujalleq, Qaasuitsup, Qeqqata ja Sermersooq), koska niitä ei voi sekoittaa mihinkään toiseen. -Yupik 10:14, 21 geassemánu 2010 (UTC) //// --- //// Hyvä. Trondtr 17:34, 21 geassemánu 2010 (UTC).

Háliidan administráhtorin

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

Bures! Mun lean leamaš Wikipedia-kurssas Oslos ja mii oasseváldit leat soahpan ahte mun sáhtán leat administráhtor. Sáhtát go don dan ordnet? --Wikikontiki 12:21, 29 miessemánu 2011 (UTC)

Hei, mun lean maid soahpan siiguin, ja hálidivččen ádministráhtorin, go lean maiddái dán kuršas Oslos. Ordnetgo munnje maid? Dearv.Miessi
Mun ordnen dan. Trondtr 14:34, 30 miessemánu 2011 (UTC).
Sáhtatgo maid ordnet, ahte mun livččin dábálaš geavaheaddji? - Skuolfi 18:12, 30 miessemánu 2011 (UTC)

Kurset i Oslo i helgen

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

Hei Trond! Her er noen av damene Skal gjøre samisk Wikipedia bedre. Jeg var med den første dagen og det var veldig inspirerende med slike ivrige folk. Mvh.Anne-Sophie Ofrim 16:43, 30 miessemánu 2011 (UTC)

Ja, det ser bra ut. Til no har det (nesten) ikkje vore samiskspråklege her, så det er flott. Trondtr 16:45, 30 miessemánu 2011 (UTC).
Mun imaštallenge mo deikke aibbas fáhkka leat boahtan máŋga ođđa čálli. :) Somá, ahte dis lea beroštupmi sámegielat Wikipediai! - Skuolfi 18:12, 30 miessemánu 2011 (UTC)
Dáppe čilgehus - Wikimedia Norgga kurssa Oslos. Hui buorre. Trondtr 20:00, 30 miessemánu 2011 (UTC).
Oidnen dien. Somá! Ledjen jo hui šlundon dáinna sámegielat Wikipediain, go nu unnán čállit. - Skuolfi 20:47, 31 miessemánu 2011 (UTC)

Hei! Jeg holder på med å lage kategorier for år; først og fremst født/død. Det mangler bl.annet kategorier for etableringer og opphør etter årstall. Eksempel: På bokmål har vi kategorien Etableringer i 2005 og Opphør i 2005; disse heter på nynorsk Kategori:Skipingar i 2005 og Kategori:Nedleggingar i 2005. Det mangler også kategori for hendelser; på nynorsk Hendingar i 2005, f.eks. Hva vil disse kategoriene hete på samisk? Mvh.Anne-Sophie Ofrim 07:58, 4 geassemánu 2011 (UTC)

Álggaheamit 2005:s = Etableringar i 2005, Heaittiheamit 2005:s = Opphør i 2005, Dáhpáhusat 2005:s = Hendingar 2005. Trondtr 20:46, 4 geassemánu 2011 (UTC).
Takk! Mvh.Anne-Sophie Ofrim 06:40, 6 geassemánu 2011 (UTC)

Hello Trondtr

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

We’re looking for someone who could translate and upload on se.wikipedia this page or a part of it -stub-. Can you help us please? Thanks a lot !--Aeron10 21:00, 8 geassemánu 2011 (UTC)

ođđa olbmot

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

hei,mun imaštalan movt don oainnat johtilit ođđa olbmuid geat leat iežaset registreren sámi vikipediái?Leago sierra sadji gos dan oaidna?Miessi

Gč. Varas rievdadusat Wikipedia-globusa vuolábealde, dan mun logan. Lea maid vejolaš geahččát listtu: Special:Log/Newusers, doppe oainnát maid spam-geavaheddjiid. Trondtr 07:04, 18 suoidnemánu 2011 (UTC).

[4] Giitu! :) -Yupik 22:02, 13 borgemánu 2011 (UTC)

Muhto das ii lean veahki, go váldosiidu ii leat rievdaduvvon... :-( Trondtr 07:02, 14 borgemánu 2011 (UTC).
Ledjet ledjet! Váldosiidu rievdaduvvon hui njozet, muhto boahtte jagi siidu lea juo riekta :D -Yupik 11:02, 14 borgemánu 2011 (UTC)
Buorre :-) Trondtr 13:55, 17 borgemánu 2011 (UTC).

Kategoriijja: risttalašvuohta / kristtalašvuohta

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

Dear Trondtr (I appologize for writing in English, but my sámegiella is not good enough to write such a complex sentence), could you please delete the now-empty category Category:Risttalašvuohta? I had found the article Ođđa Testameanta without a category, and I had also found no se-interwiki for the Category "Christianity" in other languages, so I created that category "Risttalašvuohta". Only later I found the Category:Kristtalašvuohta, but without interwiki. I have moved the interwiki and the articles Ođđa Testameanta and Biibbal in this category, so that the former can be deleted. --Mmh 14:56, 2 čakčamánu 2011 (UTC)

I'm on it! :) Jeblad 19:45, 2 čakčamánu 2011 (UTC)
Giitu! --Mmh 22:17, 2 čakčamánu 2011 (UTC)
Giitu Jebladii :-) Trondtr 17:20, 4 čakčamánu 2011 (UTC).

A brownie for you!

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]
Dette er en test, hallo, hallo, 1, 2 , 3… Jeblad 08:45, 7 čakčamánu 2011 (UTC)

Hei! Mun lean sádden dutnje e-poastta. Gálaniitoluodda (ságastallanrievdadusat) 16:51, 4 geassemánu 2012 (UTC)

Oidnen, ii leat dušše leamaš áigi vástidit. Dál mus lea áigi fas. Trondtr (ságastallan) 22:02, 4 geassemánu 2012 (UTC).

Leatna vs. departemeanta

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

Fi wp:as lea "Ainin departementti". Gálggašii go dáppe leahkit departemeanta? Gálaniitoluodda (ságastallanrievdadusat) 13:24, 5 geassemánu 2012 (UTC)

Buorre gážaldat. Lea guokte "skuvlla" dan oktavuođas, 1. jorgalit (omd. suomag. livččii "Finnmarkin lääni", "Murmanskin alue"), ja 2. doallát originála "Finnmarkin fylke", "Murmanskin oblast'"). Mun oainnán, ahte Fránkriika lea dán mađe beakkán, ahte doppe eará wp-veršuvnnat leat doallán departemeanta. Hmm, kánske livččii midjiidege buorre dahkat seammá. Muhot dat ferte leat bot-ášši. Trondtr (ságastallan) 17:55, 5 geassemánu 2012 (UTC).
Juo. Bijan de dan birra gáffestohpui, vai lea "almmolaččat" iige beare dutnje. Gálaniitoluodda (ságastallanrievdadusat) 18:35, 5 geassemánu 2012 (UTC)

Fas e-poastta

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

Gálaniitoluodda (ságastallanrievdadusat) 18:44, 5 geassemánu 2012 (UTC)

Ja fas. Gálaniitoluodda (ságastallanrievdadusat) 17:49, 6 geassemánu 2012 (UTC)

Rwanda álbmotgoddin, álgobávkkeheapmi...

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

Hei! Lean oaidnan, ahte leat divvun artihkkaliid Rwanda álbmotgoddin ja álgobávkkeheapmi. Ollu giitu dan ovddas. Lean maiddái ieš geahčan dáid ja fuobmán, ahte dain leat ollu čállinfeaillat. Váldooassi artihkkaliin maiguin leat ollu čállinfeaillat oidnojit guhkes siiddut-listtus. Dáid lea ráhkadan muhtin gii máhttá sámegiela nu bures, ahte sáhttá dáid jorgalit, muhto ii máhtealbmaládje riektačállima. Gálaniitoluodda (ságastallanrievdadusat) 17:34, 6 geassemánu 2012 (UTC)

Jua, juste dan listtu mun geavahange. In sáhte juohke artihkkala dárkkistit, dan dihte lean váldán guhkes artihkkaliid. Muhto jáhkán, ahte guhkes artihkkalat leat buoret go máŋga oanehis artihkal lea. Trondtr (ságastallan) 17:41, 6 geassemánu 2012 (UTC).
Buorre. Gálaniitoluodda (ságastallanrievdadusat) 17:47, 6 geassemánu 2012 (UTC)

Can you confirm the following, and possibly update… Note that these are system messages. Jeblad (ságastallan) 21:42, 1 suoidnemánu 2012 (UTC)

Check also

Do you have an alternative for the following (templates should not be used in translatable messages)

Check the months, these must be in the correct form. If the sentences where they are used have wrong form those must be corrected, not these as they are used several places. I fixed the short form and use of uppercasing, which is methodically wrong for these names.

There is one odd month name, Mediawiki:may_long. Not quite sure what this is.

miessemánnu is correct, but should be stored under Mediawiki:May. As for the weekdays, they are set up with alternate names, I take it that this will result in a wrong result? -- Man dihte lávvardat/lávvordat, jne, boađus lea gal, ahte mii čállit olles «lávvardat/lávvordat», iige (omd.) «lávvardat» Trondtr (ságastallan) 08:34, 3 suoidnemánnu 2012 (UTC).

Hello. I'm sorry if this is not the right place to request it, but I request renaming my following accounts:

  • محمد الجداوي → Avocato
  • GedawyBot → AvocatoBot
  • Confirmation link: [5]
  • Reason: Privacy reasons

Please, delete all my userpages and talk pages of these accounts before renaming and I will create them later .Thanks in advance.--M.Gedawy 15:16, 15 suoidnemánnu 2012 (UTC)

Tiedoksi, että aloitin kahvihuoneesen keskustelun siitä, että pitäisikö meillä byrokraateilla olla oikeus poistaa admineiden ja byrokraattien oikeuksia, ettei tarvitsisi hoitaa sitä Metan kautta. Mielestäni se olisi helpompaa (Wikikontiki, Biret, Tsujigiri, joiden oikeuksista on jo päädytty tulokseen "oikeudet pois"). Sitten jos myös Yupik kannattaa, niin joku Metassa tai Jeblad voi säätää meille oikeuksia. Gálaniitoluodda administráhtor ja byrokráhta (ságastallanrievdadusat) 16:42, 26 suoidnemánnu 2012 (UTC)

Hyvä. Nykynorjan wp:ssä oli kesäkuussa samaanlainen keskustelu, siinä ihmiset olivat samaa mieltä.Trondtr (ságastallan) 17:33, 26 suoidnemánnu 2012 (UTC).


[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

Hei! Lähetin sinulle sähköpostin, jossa on vanha plakaatti ja tänään (27.7.2012) suunnittelemani esitelehtinen. Taidan vielä suunnitella paremman plakaatin (lähinnä enemmän kuvia). Sähköpostissa on lisää tietoa. Gálaniitoluodda administráhtor ja byrokráhta (ságastallanrievdadusat) 14:46, 27 suoidnemánnu 2012 (UTC)

Hi, sorry for writing in English. I'm writing to ask you, as a bureaucrat of this wiki, to translate and review the notification that will be sent to all users, also on this wiki, who will be forced to change their user name on May 27 and will probably need your help with renames. You may also want to help with the pages m:Rename practices and m:Global rename policy. Thank you, Nemo 17:08, 3 miessemánu 2013 (UTC)

Hi, sorry for writing in English. I'm writing to ask you, as a bureaucrat of this wiki, to translate and review the notification that will be sent to all users, also on this wiki, who will be forced to change their user name on May 27 and will probably need your help with renames. You may also want to help with the pages m:Rename practices and m:Global rename policy. Thank you, Nemo 17:08, 3 miessemánu 2013 (UTC)

Request for username change : Hosiryuhosi -> Rxy

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

Hello. Could you please change my username?

Yes, I can do that. But when I initiate the process, there is a warning saying that your new local account will then be detatched from your global account. Is that what you want? Trondtr (ságastallan) 09:15, 23 njukčamánnu 2014 (UTC).

An important message about renaming users

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

Dear Trondtr, My aplogies for writing in English. Please translate or have this translated for you if it will help. I am cross-posting this message to many places to make sure everyone who is a Wikimedia Foundation project bureaucrat receives a copy. If you are a bureaucrat on more than one wiki, you will receive this message on each wiki where you are a bureaucrat.

As you may have seen, work to perform the Wikimedia cluster-wide single-user login finalisation (SUL finalisation) is taking place. This may potentially effect your work as a local bureaucrat, so please read this message carefully.

Why is this happening? As currently stated at the global rename policy, a global account is a name linked to a single user across all Wikimedia wikis, with local accounts unified into a global collection. Previously, the only way to rename a unified user was to individually rename every local account. This was an extremely difficult and time-consuming task, both for stewards and for the users who had to initiate discussions with local bureaucrats (who perform local renames to date) on every wiki with available bureaucrats. The process took a very long time, since it's difficult to coordinate crosswiki renames among the projects and bureaucrats involved in individual projects.

The SUL finalisation will be taking place in stages, and one of the first stages will be to turn off Special:RenameUser locally. This needs to be done as soon as possible, on advice and input from Stewards and engineers for the project, so that no more accounts that are unified globally are broken by a local rename to usurp the global account name. Once this is done, the process of global name unification can begin. The date that has been chosen to turn off local renaming and shift over to entirely global renaming is 15 September 2014, or three weeks time from now. In place of local renames is a new tool, hosted on Meta, that allows for global renames on all wikis where the name is not registered will be deployed.

Your help is greatly needed during this process and going forward in the future if, as a bureaucrat, renaming users is something that you do or have an interest in participating in. The Wikimedia Stewards have set up, and are in charge of, a new community usergroup on Meta in order to share knowledge and work together on renaming accounts globally, called Global renamers. Stewards are in the process of creating documentation to help global renamers to get used to and learn more about global accounts and tools and Meta in general as well as the application format. As transparency is a valuable thing in our movement, the Stewards would like to have at least a brief public application period. If you are an experienced renamer as a local bureaucrat, the process of becoming a part of this group could take as little as 24 hours to complete. You, as a bureaucrat, should be able to apply for the global renamer right on Meta by the requests for global permissions page on 1 September, a week from now.

In the meantime please update your local page where users request renames to reflect this move to global renaming, and if there is a rename request and the user has edited more than one wiki with the name, please send them to the request page for a global rename.

Stewards greatly appreciate the trust local communities have in you and want to make this transition as easy as possible so that the two groups can start working together to ensure everyone has a unique login identity across Wikimedia projects. Completing this project will allow for long-desired universal tools like a global watchlist, global notifications and many, many more features to make work easier.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the SUL finalisation, read over the Help:Unified login page on Meta and leave a note on the talk page there, or on the talk page for global renamers. You can also contact me on my talk page on meta if you would like. I'm working as a bridge between Wikimedia Foundation Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Stewards, and you to assure that SUL finalisation goes as smoothly as possible; this is a community-driven process and I encourage you to work with the Stewards for our communities.

Thank you for your time. -- Keegan (WMF) talk 18:24, 25 borgemánnu 2014 (UTC)

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Dearvva! Du čállet Ann-Marii Bb-mállesiiddus iige su ságastallansiiddus. Lean sihkkon teavstta mállesiiddus. -Yupik (ságastallan) 21:16, 29 skábmamánnu 2018 (UTC)

Dearvva! -- ja giitu! Trondtr (ságastallan) 08:17, 30 skábmamánnu 2018 (UTC).

I like your small, yet important edit, [6]. 12:50, 10 guovvamánnu 2019 (UTC)

categories that are "quite general" (and "good for difficult cases")

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

There is no language link (or "interwiki").

Therefore my goal, is to that articles get put into a "most general", but correct category.

category:humans ?
category:music ?

I am not sure what the article is about, but I have made an educated guess, without using translation-program - and I mainly looked at the word "guitar", and how that word was "formatted into the article".
Soon we might find a certain type of article, that I perhaps should not categorize.

(I am asking the question on your page, because I do not expect to go back to that article.) Cheers! 18:31, 12 guovvamánnu 2019 (UTC)

Someone has (now) already solved the specific problem! 23:15, 12 guovvamánnu 2019 (UTC)

Hei, jeg er interessert i å starte en konto, kun for å få tilgang til HotCat-verktøyet.

(Jeg er ikke interessert i å bli tilbudt patruljeringsverktøy eller andre oppgaver.)

Hvis ting ikke blir bra nok, så anmoder jeg at dere bare stenger følgende (foreslåtte) konto - og ferdig med det!

Jeg ser for meg at brukersiden, skal si følgende:

"This user account, "Kættegori robo", is meant to only deal with adding categories.

If categories are not being added adequately, then this account should be made inactive, without further ado.

(If you need help, to place a category on an article, then
please contact the article's talk page.

If I have placed an article in "the correct so-called Category Tree", then
please try to refrain from contacting this account.)

(The user has requested a non-global account. If not possible (as suggested), then please try to block this account from being used "on/at other-language wikipedias", if practical/ doable (, and at the request of "myself - the user"). "

Anbefaler dere at jeg starter den kontoen, "slik jeg foreslår"?

(Jeg ser for meg at det siste spørsmålet er i kategoriene (mer eller mindre),
"Ja" eller "Nei" eller "Besvares med taushet".)
Vennlig hilsen 23:08, 12 guovvamánnu 2019 (UTC)/ 00:03, 13 guovvamánnu 2019 (UTC)/ 00:10, 13 guovvamánnu 2019 (UTC)/ 00:15, 13 guovvamánnu 2019 (UTC)/ 01:38, 13 guovvamánnu 2019 (UTC)

Eg forstår ikkje heilt dette. No skriv du med IP-adresse, du kan sjølvsagt starte ein konto, som vi andre her har gjort, slik at du har eit brukarnamn. Gjer du det kan du gå inn på innstillingar, og deretter finn du HotCat under Tilleggsfunksjonar ("Gadgets").Viss det er ein bot du snakkar om, er ikkje eg den rette å snakke med, men eg ser heller ikkje heilt vitsen med det, den klassifiseringa eg snakkar om er møysommeleg manuelt arbeid. Eg ser det som eit poeng at se wp har omtrent same kategoristrukturen som wp-versjonane til majoritetsspråka der nordsamisk blir snakka, med mindre se wp skal ha ein meir detaljert kategoristruktur på visse felt, noko som er irrelevant i denne samanhengen (det er avgjerder som må bli teke av artikkelforfattarane sjølv). Utfordringa vår er å tilpasse eksisterande artiklar i kategoriar, og det gjer vi utan bot-ar. Trondtr (ságastallan) 11:57, 16 guovvamánnu 2019 (UTC).

Riktig person, riktig årstall, og "politisk parti kommer nok noen tilbake til (en gang)"

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

Dette er (såvidt) godt nok, ikke sant?
Hvis akkurat "denne malen av redigeringer", er blokkeringsgrunn - så ser en fram til å høre fra deg (i denne tråden). Mvh 19:53, 5 njukčamánnu 2019 (UTC)

Dearvva! Lean lasihan girječálli-málle dan siidui. Gáldus lea ahte Somby riegádii Suoma bealde Sámis, muhto Wikidastas riegádanbáikin lea Guovdageainnu suohkan. Gávnnatgo lassedieđuid su riegádanbáikkis? -Yupik (ságastallan) borgemánu 8 b. 2019 dii. 5.44 (UTC)

In :-/ Trondtr (ságastallan) borgemánu 9 b. 2019 dii. 11.42 (UTC)
In munge. Astrid lea bivdán veahki dárogiel Wikipedia márkanšiljus. Ártegis čuolbma :D -Yupik (ságastallan) borgemánu 11 b. 2019 dii. 3.46 (UTC)

Háliidivččetgo beassat lohkat Ávvira ja dan arkiivva digitálalaččat, juos dus ii leat juo geavaheaddjikonto? Wikimedia Norga] áigu diŋgot digitála abonnemeantta. Juos mielaid geassá, lasit geavaheaddjinama dása. Beassandieđut juhkkojuvvojit miessemánu 22. b. 2020. :) -Yupik (ságastallan) guovvamánu 17 b. 2020 dii. 18.21 (UTC)

Hi my friend.could you please make page of joseph staline in your native language wikipedia? if yes please create article of joseph stalin.thank you very much.

How we will see unregistered users

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]


You get this message because you are an admin on a Wikimedia wiki.

When someone edits a Wikimedia wiki without being logged in today, we show their IP address. As you may already know, we will not be able to do this in the future. This is a decision by the Wikimedia Foundation Legal department, because norms and regulations for privacy online have changed.

Instead of the IP we will show a masked identity. You as an admin will still be able to access the IP. There will also be a new user right for those who need to see the full IPs of unregistered users to fight vandalism, harassment and spam without being admins. Patrollers will also see part of the IP even without this user right. We are also working on better tools to help.

If you have not seen it before, you can read more on Meta. If you want to make sure you don’t miss technical changes on the Wikimedia wikis, you can subscribe to the weekly technical newsletter.

We have two suggested ways this identity could work. We would appreciate your feedback on which way you think would work best for you and your wiki, now and in the future. You can let us know on the talk page. You can write in your language. The suggestions were posted in October and we will decide after 17 January.

Thank you. /Johan (WMF)

ođđajagimánu 4 b. 2022 dii. 18.19 (UTC)

Estteeana ja Estlánda

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

Hei! Dál dáppe leat guokte kategoriijahierarkiija: [[Kategoriija:Estlándalaččat]] ja [[Kategoriija:Estteeatnalaččat]]. Goabbá báhcá heggii? -Yupik (ságastallan) ođđajagimánu 4 b. 2022 dii. 19.11 (UTC)

Na Estteeanalaš avi Estteeatnalaš? -Yupik (ságastallan) ođđajagimánu 4 b. 2022 dii. 19.19 (UTC)
Giellagáldu dadjá "Estteeana(subst.)Status: recommended" nu ahte gal nie. Ieš lean goitge alo dadjan "Estlánda", muhto de fal Estteeana. Trondtr (ságastallan) ođđajagimánu 4 b. 2022 dii. 19.33 (UTC).
Ok, de ferte sirdit. -Yupik (ságastallan) ođđajagimánu 4 b. 2022 dii. 19.43 (UTC)