[rievdat wikiteavsttain]Ett bra nordiskt samarbete för översättning av huvudsidan! Den fjättrade ankan 14:41, 26 Aug 2004 (UTC)
Jos minä olisin pohjoissaamen puhuja, niin olisin jo työn toimessa edistämässä kieleni käyttöä ja näkyvyyttä. Toivotan tälle projektille onnea! T.Tuohirulla
It's such a sad thing to see that nobody is interested in editing these pages. If I could speak Saami, i would be writing articles all day long. - Laurentius from Hungary.
- I was hoping all the Sami Language Acts would by now have produced enough speakers. But reversing more than a century of language shift is so very difficult. 04:09, 24 guov 2005 (UTC) (of Taiwan)
- Indeed, hundreds of smaller languages are disappearing before our eyes—often despite half-hearted legislative attempts (see the Irish language, for example), and even in a country like France which regards itself as an upholder of "alternative" culture against cultural hegemony, the government refuses to grant even the slightest acknowledgment to their own indigenous, endangered languages such as Breton or Provencal. —Ryanaxp
Valitettavasti en ole löytänyt juuri ollenkaan pohjois-saamen puhujia internetistä, etenkään sellaisia heistä jotka haluaisivat laajentaa North Saami- wikipediaa. Pohjoissaamea on kiinnostava lukea suomalaisena, joitain sanoja voi ymmärtää jos miettii vähän aikaa niiden tarkoitusta.
(Translation): Unfortunately I haven't found any internet users who could speak Northern Saami language and be interested in expanding the Wikipedia. It's really interesting to read it and as a Finn, I can understand some of the words. Erik (From Finland)
Why are there no links from the main page. It says there are over 500 articles. Where are they?
- Dál váillot infrastruktuvra. Dan dihte mis ii leat leaŋkat. For the interested, non-sámi speakers: As you can see, there are some infrastructure problems on this page (the translation is taken from the explanatory metatext to the lg independent intro page, rather as a translation from another main page, and there is no categorisation. So, you may perhaps set up things (e.g., "all day long" :-), in other languages, for the Sámis to translate. Also, there is a Sámi encyklopedia, in Helsinki, but alas, in English. Mu mielas "diehtosátnegirji" lea buoret go "ensyklopediija". I think diehtosátnegirji is a better term than ensyklopeniija, it people agree, then someone(TM) could perhaps change the logo... Trondtr 11:38, 3 geas 2005 (UTC).
- Mun maid lean eanet duon diehtosátnegirjji bealde, muhto álggus jurddašin sáhttágo dán gohčodit sátnegirjin go dát ii leat girji ja danin evttohin ensyklopediija. Suomagielat Wikipedia lea Vapaa tietosanakirja ja in dasto diehtán livččiigo dat menddo "suomagiella" dasto. Man mielas earát leat duon friddja-sánis? Lean jurddašan ahte almmolaš livččii buoret. Skuolfi
- Almmolaš diehtosátnegirji lea mu mielas buorre. Ja mun háliidan váldit sámi leavgga eret váldosiiddus. Jos mis lea leavga dál, de ii leat sadji dieđuide. Gč. eará váldosiidduid. Trondtr 16:34, 6 geas 2005 (UTC).
- Válden leavgga eret váldosiiddus ja vehá ođasmahtten siiddu. Bidjen hámi Almmolaš diehtosátnegirji oidnosii. :) Skuolfi 20:09, 10 geas 2005 (UTC).
Wikipedia vai Wikipediija?
[rievdat wikiteavsttain]Dál dáppe orru leamen eanet olbmot geat máhttet sámegiela ja dan dihte jurddasin jearrat man oaivilis dii lehpet nama jorgaleamis? Mu mielas ii leat dárbu sámáidahttit Wikipedia Wikipediijan, muhto gáibidago sámegiela riektačállin dan? --Yang 20:26, 16 geassemánu 2006 (UTC)
- Mun de oðasmahtten ovdasiiddu nu ahte buot Wikipediija/Wikipediijja sánit leat Wikipedia. Omd. Media lea dán áigge media iige mediija. --Yang 11:35, 22 čakčamánu 2006 (UTC)
[rievdat wikiteavsttain]Hi, my congratulations with the sudden incredible growth of this Wikipedia. May it help this endangered language to stay and flourish! Steinbach.
Btw, what about starting Lulesami and South Sami Wikipedias?
- Davvisámegielat Wikipedias lea jo badjel 1000 artihkkala! Suddu beare ahte stuorámus oassi artihkkaliin leat "nálttat". --Yang 20:28, 16 geassemánu 2006 (UTC)
Tiedätkö saamelaisten mytologiasta, osaatko suomea?
[rievdat wikiteavsttain]Suomenkielisessa wikipediassa on jo kattavasti artikkeleita suomalaisesta muinaiuskonnosta ja mytologiasta, mutta saamelaisten monista jumalista ja rikkaasta myologiasta ei ole juuri mitään. Olisiko joku halukas lisäämään suomenkielisten saatavilla olevia tietoja tästä aiheesta suomenkielisessä Wikipediassa? Suomalaiset tuntevat harmillisen huonosti saamelaisten kulttuuria ja mytologiaa, ja suomenkieliset artikkelit auttaisivat osaltaan tekemään niitä tutummiksi. Toivotan edelleen onnea saamenkieliselle wikipedialle! Terveisin Tuohirulla
About North Sami Wikipedia
[rievdat wikiteavsttain]I wonder is this Wikipedia even needed? It seems like nobody uses this and all pages are stubs. I think it would be better to close this Wikipedia.
Mietin onko tämä Wikipedia tarpeellinen. Kukaan ei käytä tätä ja kaikki sivut ovat tynkiä. Mielestäni olisi parempi sulkea nämä sivut.
Mu mielas dat davvisámegielat Wikipedia lea aibbas dušši. Dán ii geavat oktaga ja buot siiddut leat oanehaččat. Lea beare linkkat, muhto eai artihkkalat. Lean dan oaivilis ahte daid siidduid fertesii heaitit.
Jurdi 13:27, 5 guovvamánu 2006 (UTC)
- Davvisámegielat Wikipedia lea buorre jurdda, muhto leat menddo unnán čállit. Váivihan dat lea ahte olbmot eai geavat dáid siidduid, muhto jus olbmuin ii leat beroštupmi ráhkadit sámegielat Wikipediijja, de ii veaje maidige. Mu beales daid siidduid oačču heaitit. Mun in máhte sámegiela nu bures, ahte sáhtašin ráhkadit siidduid. Orru leamen ahte sámegiellagat ieš eai beroš sámegielat Wikipediijas de mii ávki daid siidduid lea doallat?
- Minun puolesta nämä sivut kyllä joutaa sulkemaan. Turha pitää sivuja, joita kukaan ei käytä. Mitä hyötyä on ylläpitää pohjoissaamenkielistä Wikipediaa, kun pohjoissaamenkieliset eivät itse osallistu sen tekemiseen? Skuolfi 13:52, 5 guovvamánu 2006 (UTC)
- Davvisámegielat Wikipedia lea hui dehálaš. Vaikku odne ii leat nu ollu sisdoallu, de mis lea hui buorre infrastruktuvra (ovd. buot oanehaš siiddut), ja álkit joatkit. In ipmir, man dihte ferteš heaitit.
- Minun mielestäni pohjoissaamelainen Wikipedia on (potentiaalisesti) erittäin tärkeä. Vaikka tänään ei ole niin paljon sisältöä, infrastruktuuri on nyt valmis, ituineen. En näe, miksi sitä pitäisi sulkea. Trondtr 18:09, 10 njukčamánu 2006 (UTC).
I think it would be absolutely pointless to close this Wikipedia down based on the fact that it's not used as much as other Wikipedias are. Even a simple comparison of speakers of North Sámi and X major language will tell you that this Wiki will never be as popular as X's will be just for that simple fact that there aren't as many speakers of North Sámi.
What problems does the existence of this Wiki cause even if no one were to use it from this day forth? I don't think that the North Sámi Wiki should be subjected to the same rules and regulations as the English one is, for instance as it is complete insanity to expect such a small population to be constantly updating this Wiki. Not to mention that the likelihood of finding to many non-native speakers of North Sámi to write articles for this Wiki is pretty close to nil. I could write articles for this Wiki, but someone would have to seriously correct my grammar.
This is quite a serious subject for me as I would like to someday get a Skolt Sámi version of it up and running (not any time soon).
As the Finns say: hitaasti hyvä tulee.
-Yupik 00:18, 10 geassemánu 2006 (UTC)
Omtale av Norsk Nynorsk Wikipedia
[rievdat wikiteavsttain]Den Nynorske wikien http://nn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hovudside har ein eigen link til den nordsamiske wikien nesten på toppen av sida. Kvifor har ikkje nordsamisk ein gong nemnt nn: mellom dei sidene med over 10 000 artiklar (nn: har over 15 000 artiklar)?
- Ja, illvilje er det nok ikkje, det er vel heller at oversikta ikkje er oppdatert, og at hovudsida ikkje er like gjennomarbeidd som dei versjonane med fleire brukarar. Men jo, det å liste nynorsk-, bokmåls-, svensk-, russisk- og finskspråklege wikiversjonar (wikiversjonane frå landa samisk blir snakka i) på toppen av sida vil nok vere ein god idé.
- Dál čálli jeará, man dihte ođđadárogiela wikipedia ii leat sámegiel wikipediija váldosiiddus (gč. nn-wikipediija, gos lea leaŋka se-wikipediijai váldosiiddus. Gal livččii buorre idea dahkat nn, no, sv, fi, ru -liŋkkaid váldosiiddui. Trondtr 19:22, 4 miessemánu 2006 (UTC).
Kategoriija:User se-N
[rievdat wikiteavsttain]In dieđe leatgo dát buorit. Sámegiella ii leat mu eatnigiella :D
se-N: Dán geavaheaddji eatnigiella lea sámegiella.
se-5: Dát geavaheaddji máhttá sámegiela dego livččii ámmátolmmái.
se-4: Dát geavaheaddji máhttá sámegiela measta go livččii su eatnigiella.
se-3: Dát geavaheaddji máhttá sámegiela hui bures.
se-2: Dát geavaheaddji máhttá sámegiela bures.
se-1: Dát geavaheaddji máhttá veahá sámegiela.
se-0: Dát geavaheaddji máhttá hui vehá sámegiela dahje ii máhtá dán veaháge.
-Yupik 00:08, 10 geassemánu 2006 (UTC)
Dáid lea dárbu veaháš divvut. Evttohivččen dáid:
se-N: Dán geavaheaddji eatnigiella lea sámegiella.
se-5: Dát geavaheaddji máhttá sámegiela ámmátlaš dásis.
se-4: Dát geavaheaddji máhttá sámegiela measta eatnigielat olbmo láhkai.
se-3: Dát geavaheaddji máhttá sámegiela hui bures.
se-2: Dát geavaheaddji máhttá sámegiela viehka bures.
se-1: Dát geavaheaddji máhttá veaháš sámegiela.
se-0: Dát geavaheaddji máhttá sámegiela hui unnán dahje ii máhte dan ollege.
Fuom. lean ráhkadastán eangasgielat Wikipedia 'userboxa' sme-N mas lohká "Dát geavaheaddji hállá sámegiela eatnigiellan". Muhto dát lea dieđus gal heittogis čoavddus danin go oarjesuopmaniid hállit háliidit dieđusge dadjat "hupmá" iige "hállá". --Ante Aikio 14:57, 16 geassemánu 2006 (UTC)
Na, dát lea ferot. -Yupik 15:39, 16 geassemánu 2006 (UTC)
- Mo duoid giellakássaid sáhttá lasihit iezas siidui dán sámegielat Wikis? --Yang 20:19, 16 geassemánu 2006 (UTC)
the logo is ugly
[rievdat wikiteavsttain]How come the logo (at the top left hand corner) is ugly? (i can't speak sami) 03:29, 4 borgemánu 2006 (UTC)
Huvudsidan är tråkig
[rievdat wikiteavsttain]Förlåt att jag inte skriver på samiska, men jag talar tyvärr inte detta språk. Som det är nu ser huvudsidan ganska tråkig ut, det skulle bli fint om man kunde få upp lite bilder. Till exempel skulle man kunna sätta upp:|

Länk i slutet / Link at the end
[rievdat wikiteavsttain]Det finns en länk i slutet av sidan som heter "Meta-Wikipedia" och länkar till meta.wikipedia.org. Den ska heta "Meta-Wiki" och länka till meta.wikimedia.org med ett M. – Smidde ( 16:54, 1 golggotmánu 2006 (UTC)
There is a link in the end of the page called "Meta-Wikipedia", linking to meta.wikipedia.org. It should be called "Meta-Wiki" and link to meta.wikimedia.org, with an M. – Smiddle ( 16:54, 1 golggotmánu 2006 (UTC)
User: geavaheaddji?
[rievdat wikiteavsttain]Hello! I am a learner of Sápmi and wanted to know, for our wiki, wuoldnt it be better to use geavaheaddji instead of User? Under the boxes too? --Ice201 23:23, 14 cuoŋománu 2007 (UTC)
- The best idea would be to send a message to Skuolfi as Skuolfi has done all? of the translations AFAIK. -Yupik 09:55, 23 cuoŋománu 2007 (UTC)
- User is geavaheaddji. So go ahead and change "User"s to "Geavaheaddji". --Skuolfi 06:21, 24 cuoŋománu 2007 (UTC)
Svenska Wikipedia
[rievdat wikiteavsttain]Hejsan!
Vad bra att ni har en länk till svenska Wikipedia från huvudsidan, det är säkert många som hamnar fel. Skulle dock önska att någon snyggar till meningen lite. Ett förslag är:
Denna Wikipedia är på samiska. Om du söker Wikipedia på svenska, så hittar du den här: Svenska Wikipedia.
Eller lite mer utförligt (beroende på hur mycket svenska ni vill ha på förstasidan):
Denna Wikipedia är på samiska. Om du söker Wikipedia på svenska, så hittar du den här: Svenska Wikipedia. Anledningen till den vanliga förväxlingen är att ISO av uppenbara skäl skiljer mellan land och språk. ISO-koden för samiska är SE, vilket sammanfaller med koden för Sverige. ISO-koden för svenska är SV. Mer information finns här: Språkkoder.
Eller nån nedklippt variant. Avgör själva.
// kdehl (Hittas främst på svenska och engelska Wikipedia.)
Please, give some information about your language
[rievdat wikiteavsttain]Please give some hints on your main page, which language this se.wikipedia uses; that means: What language do you use? Please, say it in words of an well known international language, like the English one, or with words of an planned (arteficial) language, for example Esperanto; see Cxefpagxo or Main Page of the Esperanto-Wikipedia, special part
Grüess enk Got!
[rievdat wikiteavsttain]Hertzliche Grüess aus Bairn zo enkerner lappischn Weigglwelt! - Greetings from Bavaria (for more precise informations see Sturmibibl, Bavarian Book Language and Bavarian. Hellsepp Hellsepp 19:24, 29 skábmamánu 2009 (UTC)
Learning Northern Sami
[rievdat wikiteavsttain]Hello. I'm very interested in learning languages. Could anyone here help me to learn Northern Sami please? Comp1089 16:49, 10 ođđajagimánu 2010 (UTC)
Logge olggos
[rievdat wikiteavsttain]Mu mielas mii fertet geavahit "Čálligoađe olggos" "Logge olggos" sádjai. Garjják 10:50, 5 guovvamánu 2011 (UTC)
One more Sami Wikipedia
[rievdat wikiteavsttain]Hello! I'm sorry I don't speak your language. Please, see it - m:Requests for new languages/Wikipedia Kildin Sami; and vote for opening this project. I believe that your community interested of it, because it is a Wiki in Sami language, too. Sorry for your trouble. Regards, --Tamara Ustinova 13:59, 22 skábmamánu 2011 (UTC)
[rievdat wikiteavsttain]In the lack of northern sami place names, I think we should use the local names in the other sami languages. For example Røyrvik/Raavrevijhke. I think it's a shame that we use a Norwegian name, when there is a perfectly good Southern Sami name we could use instead. Garjják 12:13, 20 juovlamánu 2011 (UTC)
VisualEditor coming to this wiki
[rievdat wikiteavsttain]Hello. Please excuse the English. I would be grateful if you can translate this message!
VisualEditor is coming to the se.wikipedia on December 2nd. VisualEditor is software in development to allow people to edit pages in MediaWiki without needing to learn wikitext syntax (like typing [[ and ]] to link to another page). It is already available and in use on some Wikipedia projects. Please see mw:Help:VisualEditor/FAQ for more information.
When this software arrives, you will have the option to use it or to use the current wikitext editor. When you press “edit”, you will get the new VisualEditor software. To use the wikitext editor, you can press “edit source”. For more information about how to use VisualEditor, see mw:Help:VisualEditor/User guide.
We hope that this software will be useful to people in your community, and we can really use your help to make it better! Please let us know if you find any problems. If you're willing and able, please report the issue in Bugzilla in the "VisualEditor" product. If you would prefer not, please explain the issue you found on the central feedback page on MediaWiki.org. If you notice major issues impacting your project, we would appreciate it if you could let us know directly. Please leave a note on my talk page or, if it’s an emergency, like an unexpected bug causing widespread issues, reach out to James Forrester, the Product Manager, at jforrester@wikimedia.org for immediate attention.
If you have time, please test the new editor before it is deployed. This would let us know about any serious issues specific to this Wikipedia before the rollout. To enable VisualEditor now, go to your “Preferences”, select “Editing” and select “Enable VisualEditor”.
We would also appreciate help with translation with the pages about VisualEditor here and on MediaWiki.org, and its user interface. See VisualEditor TranslationCentral for general information. To translate the user interface, start by creating an account at TranslateWiki. Once your account request is approved, all you need to do is select your language from this list. This will give you a list of individual lines and paragraphs. The English original will be on one side, with the option to “edit” on the other. Pressing “edit” will open an edit window where you can work.
The User Guide is another important document. To translate this, simply go to the MediaWiki.org page, and select “translate this page”. Your language should be available from the drop-down menu on the right. If you want to help with translations and would like to talk about how, please leave a message for me on my talk page.
Thank you, and happy editing! --Mdennis (WMF) (ságastallan) 19:05, 18 skábmamánnu 2013 (UTC)
- I just wanted to remind you that VisualEditor is due to arrive on the Northern Sami Wikipedia later today. We will also be hosting two Office Hours about VisualEditor very soon. These are online, live meetings hosted by Wikimedia Foundation staff. You can read about them at m:IRC office hours. They are hosted in English. When they are finished, logs will be posted on Meta and will appear at m:IRC office hours/Office hours 2013-12-02 and m:IRC office hours/Office hours 2013-12-03. If you have a question about VisualEditor but cannot attend, please feel free to email me at mdennis@wikimedia.org. I will do my best to get an answer for you, then or later! The first Office Hour is at 1900 UTC today (see [1] for local time conversion). The second is at 0100 UTC tomorrow (see [2]). Thanks, and I hope the software will be very useful to you! --Mdennis (WMF) (ságastallan) 16:56, 2 juovlamánnu 2013 (UTC)
What language is this?
[rievdat wikiteavsttain]It looks rather like a cross between Finnish and Hungarian (the two languages are related, right?) Antiv31 (ságastallan) 08:01, 31 njukčamánnu 2015 (UTC)
- It is North Saami, cf. [3] Trondtr (ságastallan) 06:40, 1 cuoŋománnu 2015 (UTC).
can you translate this article in your language?
[rievdat wikiteavsttain]Wish the best for you ... Could you please write a article in your languge, based on "Laki_dialect" or لکی??? """"Please. Article about Laki_dialectis . If you do that, please put interwiki link into English version. ""--Hosseinblue (ságastallan) 14:45, 12 ođđajagimánnu 2016 (UTC)
Sami is missing
[rievdat wikiteavsttain]Sami is missing from this page:
Thank you, Varlaam (ságastallan) 08:10, 19 ođđajagimánnu 2016 (UTC)
- Is this the best place for this request?
- Thanks, Varlaam (ságastallan) 05:44, 7 guovvamánnu 2016 (UTC)