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J. R. R. Tolkien

J. R. R. Tolkien
J. R. R. Tolkien
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
Riegádanođđajagimánu 3. beaivvi 1892:s(1892-01-03)[1][2][…]
Jápmánčakčamánu 2. beaivvi 1973:s(1973-09-02)[1][2][…] (81)
HávdiWolvercote Cemetery (nb) Jorgal ja Oxford
Ámmátgielladutki, diktačálli, allaskuvlalektor, mánáidgirječálli, jorgaleaddji, litteraturkritiker (nb) Jorgal, esseačálli, offiseara, girječálli, girječálli, historihkkár, govvejeaddji, oahpaheaddji, prosaista, filologa, románačálli, libretista ja litteraturhistoriker (nb) Jorgal
Giellaeaŋgalsgiella, dološ eaŋgalasgiella, láhtengiella, quenya (nb) Jorgal, sindarin (nb) Jorgal, Khuzdûl (nb) Jorgal ja esperantogiella
Bálkkašumitkommandør av Order of the British Empire (nb) Jorgal, Prometheus Award - Hall of Fame (nb) Jorgal, Parhaan käsikirjoituksen Nebula-palkinto (fi) Jorgal, Parhaan käsikirjoituksen Nebula-palkinto (fi) Jorgal, Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel (nb) Jorgal, Parhaan käsikirjoituksen Nebula-palkinto (fi) Jorgal, Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation (en) Jorgal, Hugo-prisen for beste dramatiske fremstilling i langformat (nb) Jorgal, Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature (nb) Jorgal, Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame, Hugo-prisen for beste dramatiske fremstilling i langformat (nb) Jorgal, International Fantasy Award, Ditmar-palkinto (fi) Jorgal ja Mythopoeic Awards (en) Jorgal
VáhnematMabel Suffield ja Arthur Reuel Tolkien
GuoibmiEdith Tolkien
MánátJohn Tolkien (en) Jorgal, Michael Tolkien (en) Jorgal, Christopher Tolkien ja Priscilla Tolkien (en) Jorgal
J. R. R. Tolkien
Wikimedia Commonsas

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (3.1.1892 – 2.9.1973) lei englándalaš girječálli, filologa ja professor Oxforda universitehtas. Su beakkáneamos girjjit leat Lord of the Rings (Suorpmasiid hearrá), The Hobbit ja The Silmarillion.

J.R.R. Tolkiena váikkuhusat fantasiijagirjjálašvuhtii leat hui mearkkašahtti. Ollugat su atnet joba fantasiijagirjjálašvuođa áhččin, vaikko son ii leange vuosttas fantasiijagirječálli. Su girjjit leat fantasiijagirjjálášvuođa klassihkkárat, mat leat leamaš ovdagovvan eará fantasiijagirječálliide. Peter Jackson bagadii 2001–2003 Suorpmasiid hearrás filbmatrilogiija, mii menestuvai erenoamaš bures ja oaččui oktiibuot 17 Oscar-bálkkášumi.

Suorpmasiid hearrá ja The Hobbit guovddáš temát leat dáistaleamit bahá ja buorre fámut gaskkas. Tolkien válddii su girjjáláš bargui ollu váikkuhusa myhtain ja álbmotmáidnasiin ja –eposiin, earrát eará Kalevalas ja vikiŋgaságain.

Suorpmasiid hearrá lea jorgaluvvon 38 gillii, muhto ii sámegillii.

Duojit, mat sajáiduvvet Middle-Earthii (Gaskaeatnamii)

[rievdat | rievdat wikiteavsttain]
  • The Hobbit, or There and Back Again, 1937
  • The Lord of the Rings (Suorpmasiid hearrá), 1954–1955.
  • Oasit: The Fellowship of the Ring, 1954.
  • The Two Towers, 1954
  • The Return of the King, 1955

Eará Gaskaeatnamii sajáiduvvi duojit

[rievdat | rievdat wikiteavsttain]
  • Bilbo’s Last Song, 1974, 1990
  • The Silmarillion, 1977. Doaim. Christopher Tolkien.
  • Unfinished Tales, 1980. Doaim. Christopher Tolkien.
  • The Children of Húrin, 2007. Doaim. Christopher Tolkien. Gov. Alan Lee
  • The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and other verses from The Red Book, 1962.
  • Farmer Giles of Ham, 1949
  • Tree and Leaf, 1964
  • Smith of Wootton Major, 1967.) Gov. Pauline Baynes.
  • Letters from Father Christmas, 1976, 2004. Doaim. Baillie Tolkien.
  • The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien, 1981. Doaim. Humphrey Carpenter.
  • Mr. Bliss, 1982
  • Roverandom, 1998. Doaim. Christina Scull, Wayne G. Hammond.
  • Tales from the Perilous Realm, 2008. Gov. Alan Lee. WSOY, 2010.
  • The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth, Beorhthelm's Son. Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association, 1953, 6. vsč. John Murray.
  • The Road Goes Ever On: A Song Cycle. Ovttas Donald Swanniin. Allen & Unwin, 1967.
  • Guide to the Names in The Lord of the Rings. Duojis A Tolkien Compass. Del Rey, 1975. ISBN 0-8754-8303-8.
  • Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl, and Sir Orfeo. Doaim. Christopher Tolkien. Ballantine Books, 1975. ISBN 0-345-27760-0.
  • The Monsters and the Critics and Other Essays. Doaim. Christopher Tolkien. Allen & Unwin, 1984. ISBN 0-04-809019-0.
  • The History of Middle-earth 1–12. Doaim. Christopher Tolkien. The Book of Lost Tales, Part One. Allen & Unwin, 1984. ISBN 0-04-823238-6.
  • J. R. R. Tolkien: Artist & Illustrator. Doaim. Wayne G. Hammond ja Christina Scull. HarperCollins, 1995. ISBN 0-261-10322-9.
  • The History of The Hobbit. Doaim. John D. Rateliff. HarperCollins, 2007. ISBN 0-00-723555-0.
  • The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún. Doaim. Christopher Tolkien. HarperCollins, 2009. ISBN 978-0-00-731723-3.
  • The Fall of Arthur. Doaim. Christopher Tolkien. HarperCollins, 2013.
  1. a á b Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Record #118623222 // Общий нормативный контроль (GND) — 2012—2016.
  2. a á Bibliothèque nationale de France идентификатор BNF: платформа открытых данных — 2011.
  3. Tolkiens Reise nach Mittelerde: Ein neuer Blick in die Welten J.R.R. Tolkiens — 1 — Kow: Heel Verlag, 2013. — S. 2. — 338 s. — ISBN 978-3-86852-826-8
  4. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/598643/JRR-Tolkien
  5. http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/find_out/guides/uk/jrr_tolkien/newsid_2388000/2388813.stm
  6. Tolkiens Reise nach Mittelerde: Ein neuer Blick in die Welten J.R.R. Tolkiens — 1 — Kow: Heel Verlag, 2013. — S. 33. — 338 s. — ISBN 978-3-86852-826-8
  7. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/third-and-final-lord-of-the-rings-movie-opens
  8. http://amsaw.org/amsaw-ithappenedinhistory-010305-tolkien.html
  9. http://www.irishexaminer.com/ireland/michael-schumacher-racing-driver-is-44-today-218391.html
  10. Tolkien J. R. R. The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien / H. Carpenter, C. TolkienGeorge Allen & Unwin Limited, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1981.
  11. Каталог Немецкой национальной библиотеки