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Geavaheaddjeságastallan:Jon Harald Søby

Siidosisdoallu ii dorjo eará gielaide.

Blanking vandalism by Arlamanden. -Yupik 08:35, 15 cuoŋománu 2007 (UTC)

Thanks for noticing what was wrong with the language templates. I fixed the rest of them. -Yupik (ságastallan) 19:57, 25 čakčamánnu 2016 (UTC)

@Yupik: No problem! I should have checked to see if the other templates had the same problem too, I just noticed it in your béarnaise sauce article, so I fixed that at least. Good job with the food articles by the way, keep 'em coming! Jon Harald Søby (ságastallan) 21:18, 25 čakčamánnu 2016 (UTC)
Thanks, I've been writing rather sporadically, so it might take a long time before more of them come about. -Yupik (ságastallan) 16:44, 5 juovlamánnu 2016 (UTC)

Discussion on the weekly competition on my discussion page

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Would it be possible to include the other Sámi languages that have incubators and that are spoken in Norway in the weekly competition? I think it could be a good way of finding more contributors. But anywho, there's a discussion already started on my discussion page -Yupik (ságastallan) 16:44, 5 juovlamánnu 2016 (UTC)

Hi Yupik, that's a great idea! I'm watching all the incubators for languages in Norway to see when there are edits – I'm dying to get in touch with people who speak especially Lule and South Sami, and it seems we may have one here now, so that's great! I'll respond more on your talk page. Jon Harald Søby (ságastallan) 17:37, 5 juovlamánnu 2016 (UTC)

Forslag på Wikipedia:Gáffestohpu

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Jeg har et forslag inne på Wikipedia:Gáffestohpu.
Fint om du har innspill. Mvh Sju hav (ságastallan) 20:44, 29 geassemánnu 2018 (UTC)

Bures! We have an article on the samisk veivisere, but it's really just a mini-stub and an incomplete list of the names of the veivisere from previous years. Could you try to get some more info to flesh out the article from the new ones? :) BTW, I heard congratulations are in order! -Yupik (ságastallan) 19:07, 14 suoidnemánnu 2018 (UTC)

And lots of photos, please! :D -Yupik (ságastallan) 19:09, 14 suoidnemánnu 2018 (UTC)
Thank you re. congratulations! Hello from Cape Town, it is and has been a busy couple of weeks, which is why I hadn't replied yet. We have had some people sign up from the festival, I will send them an email soon with info on how/where to contribute and stuff. Two of the people who signed up are ofelaččat, so I could ask them to fill in that article. :-)
Also, I took some photos, see Commons:Category:Riddu Riđđu 2018, but more should be coming when Sabine uploads the ones she took! Jon Harald Søby (ságastallan) 14:48, 20 suoidnemánnu 2018 (UTC)

Template problems.

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Hei og bures! The country template (Málle:Riika) seems to have gone awry of late and I have no idea how to fix it. It comes up with a number of "Script error: The function "formatStatements" does not exist.", for example in the infobox for Colombia. In addition, the one for leaders (Málle:Hálddašeaddji) has stopped showing any of the info besides their name and photo (e.g. Tarja Halonen). These are just the ones I've run into; there might be other ones that have similar problems. I'll get back to you if I find more. Thanks for all the help. -Yupik (ságastallan) 17:09, 9 borgemánnu 2018 (UTC)

@Yupik: Oh, sorry about that, that was actually my fault! I imported a Wikidata template and module (that are awesome, but still need some work here before they can be put to use) that someone showed me in Wikimania, and it overwrote the existing one without warning. I've reverted it to the version from before I did that now, so stuff should start working the way they used to. Jon Harald Søby (ságastallan) 20:57, 11 borgemánnu 2018 (UTC)
Thanks for fixing the country template! The one for Málle:Hálddašeaddji still doesn't seem to be working for some reason. A lot of these got screwed up a long time ago; this might be one of them and I've just never noticed before now. Málle:Monárka still seems to be working (but it's really meh-looking to begin with) -Yupik (ságastallan) 19:44, 25 borgemánnu 2018 (UTC)

Hei! When I was looking at my talk page and Gálaniitoluodda's, I realized that we have gigantic talk pages that should be archived. We don't seem to have any kind of archive procedure set up though on this wikipedia and I have no idea how to go about setting one up. Any ideas? -Yupik (ságastallan) 12:22, 7 čakčamánnu 2018 (UTC)

@Yupik: Sure, it's actually pretty easy to have a bot do that. On the Bokmål Wikipedia, Bruker:ArkivBot is doing it (it's run by Danmichaelo of course). It runs a standard script that is used on many Wikipedias, so it's well-tested and reliable. If we ask him nicely I think it would be a quick fix for him to make the same bot run here as well.
I think it would be nice to have its messagesedit summaries translated, so it would be great if you could go to Translatewiki and translate the following four messages: (or provide the translations here, and I can add them for you.)
You don't have to do this, but I think it would be nice to have them in Northern Sami. :-) Jon Harald Søby (ságastallan) 22:39, 7 čakčamánnu 2018 (UTC)
I can indeed run ArkivBot here if there is interest for it. I created a basic setup at Geavaheaddji:ArkivBot. In addition to the translations mentioned, you should consider creating a header template to be added to the archive pages (like en:Template:Automatic archive navigator, but could be much simpler) and a template for the discussion pages themselves (like en:Template:Archive box). Both are optional, navigation could also be set up by each user on their discussion page. Danmichaelo (ságastallan) 16:10, 23 čakčamánnu 2018 (UTC)

Moving articles from se-wiki to sv-wiki?

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Hei igjen! Do you know how one would go about moving an article from this Wikipedia to the Swedish Wikipedia while keeping all of the history of the article? I tried asking the person to move it to the sv-wiki, but whoever it is is still editing it on this one instead (could be my Swedish was just really bad and they didn't understand me). Takk for hjelpen! -Yupik (ságastallan) 14:05, 12 čakčamánnu 2018 (UTC)

@Yupik: Someone on svwiki that has importer rights would have to do that, but it doesn't look like normal admins can import from sewiki to svwiki. So the best solution is to get the user to add it to the Swedish Wikipedia instead, if at all possible… Jon Harald Søby (ságastallan) 14:29, 12 čakčamánnu 2018 (UTC)
I'll keep trying :) thanks! -Yupik (ságastallan) 19:03, 12 čakčamánnu 2018 (UTC)

Something funky with Template:Gieldadieđut, Norga

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Hei! I hope you can help with this. The article on Bergen is showing that the fylke is Bergen Municipality, which is, of course, incorrect. I assume that the problem stems from the wikidata item (Q26793) or the way the template is retrieving the info, but I don't know what to do to correct it. I haven't checked any of the other towns except for Tromsø, which is correct, but assumedly we will need to check all of them. Could you help out please? Thanks! -Yupik (ságastallan) 23:12, 4 njukčamánnu 2019 (UTC)

Oslo is also incorrect. -Yupik (ságastallan) 23:23, 4 njukčamánnu 2019 (UTC)
Áhkanjárga. 03:23, 8 njukčamánnu 2019 (UTC)
@Yupik: Hi, it seems Zache fixed the issue for now. The problem is that Norwegian municipalities and cities are a mess on Wikidata, mainly because they are a mess on the Bokmål Wikipedia. We have many articles that are conflating cities and villages (urban areas) and municipalities (geopolitical entities) and covering them all in one article, which has propagated to Wikidata. But I would say Wikidata is mostly correct in stating that Bergen (the city) is in Bergen (the municipality), it's just that the interwiki links that may rely on information from that Wikidata item may not be in the right place.
If I may suggest, I think it would be useul to make that separation here in sewiki – moving municipality articles to Xa gielda, and then making it possible to have a distinction by having X and Xa gielda, for example. But that might be a lot of work. Jon Harald Søby (ságastallan) 08:23, 8 njukčamánnu 2019 (UTC)
@Jon Harald Søby: Jeg skal prøve å formulere problemstillingen, på Arbeidskontoret.
Og den jobben bør da kanskje kunne "finne sin rette plass" i køen. Mvh 08:48, 8 njukčamánnu 2019 (UTC)

Or find a more important task, to rectify

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Please Jon Harald Søby, take a good look at if you have bigger fish to fry!
This template thing can wait indefinitely (or forever), in my opinion.

For now, only around 3 articles have been identified, with (arguably) "the mentioned minor problems" (my quote). Cheers! 03:21, 8 njukčamánnu 2019 (UTC)

Why did you delete all the Australian state articles (e.g Ođđa Lulli Wales)?

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

Could you please restore them or say why you deleted them? BTW if you think the names are wrong, their not. For example, the name for New South Wales in Sámi is Ođđa Lulli Wales, same as how Australia is Austrália and New Zealand is Ođđa-Selánda. Thanks. Uluṟu Minecrafter (ságastallan) juovlamánu 23 b. 2021 dii. 7.22 (UTC)

They were deleted because they were not Northern Sámi, they were "Northern Sámi" written by looking up individual words with no regard to how it would actually be said in Northern Sámi, so they made no sense. Northern Sámi is its own language, not English grammar and constructions transferred into Northern Sámi. Please do not do it again. -Yupik (ságastallan) juovlamánu 23 b. 2021 dii. 20.13 (UTC)
@Yupik Okay, could you please recreate them in real Northern Sámi? Sorry for my incorrect Sámi grammar, it's just that no (good) machine translators exist from English to Sámi (I am aware that Apertium translates from Northern Sámi to Norwegian Bokmål, but not vice versa). Thanks. Uluṟu Minecrafter (ságastallan) juovlamánu 23 b. 2021 dii. 20.41 (UTC)
I will put it on my list of things to do, which is unfortunately horribly long because of all the people on here who have done what you did, so it won't be any time soon. Out of interest, where were you finding the words you were using? -Yupik (ságastallan) juovlamánu 23 b. 2021 dii. 20.45 (UTC)
@Yupik I used a website called Glosbe to get the main bits, then verified them on Apertium by translating from Sámi to Norwegian Bokmål and then using Google to translate from Norwegian to English. Could you please teach me a bit of correct Sámi grammar though (e.g X is an animal/city/state [found] in X) so I can contribute here correctly. Thanks. Uluṟu Minecrafter (ságastallan) juovlamánu 29 b. 2021 dii. 13.48 (UTC)

How we will see unregistered users

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ođđajagimánu 4 b. 2022 dii. 18.19 (UTC)


I'm an Aussie here and sorry I can't speak Sámi. However, I'd like to make a few translation requests, if that's possible?

I know this wiki has an article about Australia, Austrália, but could you please translate the articles about the Australian states and territories into Sámi? We have six states and two territories: the six states in order of population are New South Wales (capital: Sydney), Victoria (capital: Victoria), Queensland (capital: Brisbane), Western Australia (capital: Perth), South Australia (capital: Adelaide) and Tasmania (capital: Hobart), and our two territories are the Australian Capital Territory (capital: Canberra) and the Northern Territory (capital: Darwin).

It might also be good to have an article about Indigenous Australians, as a token of brotherhood between us Indigenous here in Australia and the Indigenous over in Scandinavia. Our Indigenous people are the Aboriginals and the Torres Strait Islanders.

Anyway, cheers mate! Around Aus (ságastallan) juovlamánnu 2 b. 2023 dii. 22.08 (UTC)[vástit]