
  • Taku Chip 'n Dale Hutkás Biehtár Petter Smart Oppfinnar-Jocke Pelle Peloton Gyro Gearloose Benne Bolivar Bolivar Pulivari Bolivar Vuojaš-áhkku Bestemor Duck…
    3 KiB (94 sáni) - guovvamánnu 28 b. 2019 dii. 22.41

Finn data om emnet

Gyroscope: Australian rock band
accelerometer: device that measures proper acceleration
fermentation: metabolic process producing energy in the absence of oxygen
Spiranthes: genus of plants
Gjirokastër: town in Albania
Gyrodactylus: genus of worms
autogyro: rotorcraft with unpowered rotor