

This is a submodule for Behavior-driven development to do localization.

All localizations are found at Special:Prefixindex/Module:BDD/localize/, that is the subpages with names given as language codes.

Usage[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

There is a message "xit", and it can be accessed like the following

local g = require 'Module:BDD/localize'
local xit = g('xit')

The same message can be overridden with a system message Mediawiki:bdd-xit. An override set as a system message is "hard" and will override any message set in the subpages. Usually it is better to redefine the message in the subpages for localization, and only set a message in the Mediawiki space if it is really important to use that spesific form.

-- submodule for Behavior Driven Development testing framework
-- © John Erling Blad, Creative Commons by Attribution 3.0

local localize = {}

-- @var contLang the language used for localization
-- @todo should adapt to the user language when called through the api
localize.contLang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()

-- @var languages the chain of fallback languages to use given the content language
localize.languages = localize.contLang:getFallbackLanguages() or {}
-- the fallback languages must be prepended with the content language
table.insert( localize.languages, 1, localize.contLang:getCode() )

-- @var fallbacks the message sets in the sequence given by the language sequence
localize.fallbacks = {}
-- load each of the message sets in sequence
for i,v in ipairs(localize.languages) do
	localize.fallbacks[i] = mw.loadData('Module:BDD/localize/'..v) or {}

-- metatable for the export
local mt = {
	__call = function ( self, key, ...)
		local msg = 'bdd-' .. key, ... )
		-- if blank, then try to find in our localization files
		if not msg or msg:isBlank() then
			local keep = msg
			for i,v in ipairs(localize.languages) do
				local str = localize.fallbacks[i][key]
				if str then
					msg = mw.message.newRawMessage( str, ... )
					if msg and msg:exists() then
						return msg
			msg = keep
		assert(msg, "invalid message: " .. key .. " is not a defined string" )
		-- this will also return blank messages!
		return msg

-- install the metatable
setmetatable(localize, mt)

return localize