Erohusat geavaheaddji «FoxBot» geavaheaddjesiiddu veršuvnnaid gaskkas

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FoxBot (ságastallan | rievdadusat)
u robot legger til: am, an, ang, arc, br, ceb, chr, co, cr, csb, cv, cy, fiu-vro, frp, ga, gd, gv, ht, id, ie, kk, ksh, ku, kw, ml, mr, ms, ne, nrm, pam, pap, rm, sa, sco, sw, ta, te, tl, tt, ug, uk, uz, vo, wa, yi, zh-min-nan
FoxBot (ságastallan | rievdadusat)
u robot legger til: en:User:FoxBot
Gurgadas 13: Gurgadas 13:

Veršuvdna borgemánnu 12 b. 2009 dii. 7.13

FoxBot is a bot of Foxie001 creating interwiki-links on many languages. It uses pywikipedia. It's controller speaks and writes English, Dutch and French.