
  • Govaš siidui Hildá Länsman
    Hentunen: Tunturi, 2018 Don Johnson Big Band: The Sun, 2018 Mikko Heikinpoika: Polar Night, 2018 Tero Hetero: Tahdon, 2018 Elin & The Woods: Dearvvuođat Sámis…
    3 KiB (359 sáni) - juovlamánnu 23 b. 2023 dii. 0.18
  • Govaš siidui Björk
    islánddagiella ja eaŋgalsgiella Bálkkašumit Davviriikkaid ráđi musihkkabálkkašupmi, Polar Music Prize (nb) , ridder av Den nasjonale fortjenstorden (nb) , Bodilprisen…
    541 byte (193 sáni) - njukčamánnu 10 b. 2020 dii. 12.57
  • Govaš siidui Bob Dylan
    Universitetet i St. Andrews (nb) , æresdoktor ved Princeton University (nb) , Polar Music Prize (nb) , kommandør av Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (nb) , Vuoden…
    2 KiB (487 sáni) - golggotmánnu 7 b. 2019 dii. 17.12
  • Govaš siidui Anna Netrebko
    Jahres (nb) , Echo Klassik Sängerin des Jahres (nb) , Dostlug Order (en) , Polar Music Prize (nb) ja Österreichischer Musiktheaterpreis Bearaš Guoibmi Yusif…
    142 byte (101 sáni) - golggotmánnu 6 b. 2019 dii. 13.29

Finn data om emnet

polarization: property of waves that can oscillate with more than one orientation
polar circle: circle of latitude
polar explorer: explorer of arctic or antarctic regions
polaron: in condensed matter physics, a quasiparticle consisting of an electron surrounded by a charge-screening phonon cloud in a dielectric crystal
Polaris: 2009 studio album Stratovarius
polar expedition: exploratory voyage to Earth's polar regions